| 1. | Would run at the fearful sight of his horse hooves 一看到他的马蹄就会吓得往回跑 |
| 2. | Then wheels were heard from in front turning : then nearer : then horses hoofs 过一会儿,前方传来了车轮的转动声,越来越挨近,接着就是马蹄声。 |
| 3. | There was a sound of horses hoofs outside , and then ray s voice saying : " no , i shall not ride again 外面传来了马蹄声,接着传来雷埃的声音: “不用了,这马我不骑了。 |
| 4. | The sledges dashed along side by side , even more swiftly , and the horses hoofs flew up and down more and more quickly 几辆并排的三驾雪橇驶行得更快,疾驰的马儿飞快地变换脚步。 |
| 5. | The angry dogs whined , and pulling themselves free from the leash , flew by the horses hoofs after the wolf 几只凶恶的猎犬尖叫了一声,挣脱了皮带,从几匹马的脚旁向豺狼飞跑起来。 |
| 6. | From the village came cheers and the tramp of horses hoofs . himself is coming , shouted the cossack , who stood at the gate ; hes coming “他来了, ”站在大门旁的哥萨克喊道, “他来了! ” |
| 7. | At precisely six o clock the clatter of horses hoofs was heard at the entrance door ; it was our captain of spahis , who had arrived on medeah 六点整,大门口响起了得得的马蹄声,是那位驻阿尔及利亚的骑兵上尉,他是骑着米狄亚来的。 |
| 8. | The sounds of voices , of steps , and of horses hoofs tramping in the mud , the crackling firewood far and near , all melted into one fluctuating roar of sound 说话声脚步声和在泥泞中移步的马蹄的响声近处和远处的柴火的噼啪声,融汇成一片振荡的嗡嗡声。 |
| 9. | The horse hoof - shaped cave has many stalactites , stalagmites , stone pillars , stone curtains and stone flowers in numerous forms . the cave is called an " art palace of great nature . 芦笛岩呈马蹄形,洞内大量的石钟乳石笋石柱石幔石花等,千姿百态,玲珑剔透,被誉为“大自然艺术之宫” 。 |